What Happens in Corinth...
J.D. Walt
Day 1: What Happens in Corinth…
Day 2: The Core Calling of Every Christian
Day 3: How Name-Dropping Works
Day 4: The Power of a Well-Placed Comma
Day 5: The Problem With Beauty Pageants
Day 6: A Word to Preachers and the People Who Listen to Them
Day 7: The Real Meaning of Maturity
Day 8: Why I’m Not a Disciple-Maker and You Aren’t Either
Day 9: The Problem of Worldly Christians and the Remedy
Day 10: What Farmers Know and the Rest of Us Don’t
Day 11: On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand?
Day 12: Why Your Local Church Matters and Why It May Not
Day 13: When the Church Should Divide and When It Shouldn’t
Day 14: Working at the Bottom of the Org Chart and Reporting to the Top
Day 15: Why I Think I’m Better Than You, and Why it Must Become Just the Opposite
Day 16: The Respectability of Conventional Wisdom
Day 17: The Two Word That Signify Mature, Adult Christianity
Day 18: The Problem With Saying, “Lord Willing, and the Creek Don’t Rise”
Day 19: Why Sexual Immorality is Not the Problem
Day 20: The Church at Corinth as a Bad Jerry Springer Rerun
Day 21: Why We Need Track Shoes When it Comes to Sexual Immorality
Day 22: What a True Sexual Revolution Might Look Like
Day 23: Why We Need Sound, Orthodox Biblical Scholars
Day 24: Why Be a Coach When You Are Called to Be a Player?
Day 25: The Most Important Question For Married Couples, and Couples Considering Marriage
Day 26: Until My Rights Are More About You Than Me, They Are Wrongs
Day 27: The Difference Between Being a Doormat and a Doorway
Day 28: Dealing With the Other Golden Rule
Day 29: Baby You Were Born to Run – Just Not Like You Thought
Day 30: Why Those Who Cannot Remember Their Past Are Destined to Repeat It
Day 31: Is Jesus Like You
Day 32: Why Facebook Now Offers Unlimited Customized Gender Identity Options
Day 33: What If We Tailgated Before Church?
Day 34: Some Reflections on the Original Happy Meal
Day 35: “Jesus Is Lord”: From Conviction-Less Claim to Core Truth
Day 36: What Our Bodies Can Teach Us About God
Day 37: Do People Actually Have Spiritual Gifts?
Day 38: Why the Only Thing That Counts is the Thing We Probably Aren’t Counting
Day 39: Do You Eagerly Desire the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Day 40: Why Worship is Not About Preaching and Singing
Day 41: Why Greeting Your Seatmates in Church Won’t Cut It Anymore
Day 42: The Big Reason God Writes Us Letters
Day 43: Why New Testament Worship is More Like a Potluck Than a Production
Day 44: The Definitive Guide to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Day 45: Where Does the Gospel Begin? It Matters More Than You Think
Day 46: What If They Found the Bones of Jesus?
Day 47: How the Christian Faith Becomes Something Other Than the Christian Faith
Day 48: On Giving Ourselves Fully to the Work of the Lord
Day 49: The Second Half of the Gospel